By Tsuguharu Foujita (1930)
Impressionism is shown as the main focus of this portrait.
The layer of ink and watercolour paint makes the portrait looks blurry
on paper instead of using canvas. I think the artist wants to experiment with
different art materials to make the portrait looks interesting. I assume the artist
wants to mix of using different art materials to creates an impression out
of something new to experiment his paintings .
2. Fujiwara no Nobuzane
By Fujiwara Nobuzane
The main focus of this painting shows cubism and abit of De Stjil .
The use of lines to form the shapes of the man's body makes
a unity in the portrait. Also the use of big space in the rest of the
background makes the portrait looks spacious. I think the artist
uses lines, shapes and space as a main focus for the portrait;'s simplicity.
Cubism and De stijl are shown using the lines, space and shapes in the
portrait to make it look simple but vast.
3. Portrait Of Yoritmoto
By Fujiwara Takanobu (1179)
The painting of this portrait shows impressionism as the focus.
The use of texture on the backgroundcolour makes it looks
more abstract. Details of the pattern design on the man's clothes,
that creates harmony in the portrait. The artist wants to show
impressionism of this portrait by using vague lines, shapes,
texture and pattern in the aspects of this painting.
4. Hosokawa Takakuni (1543)
The main focus shows Realism in this portrait painting.
The contrasts of the man clothing that make the shadows
look realistic. Also, the texture on the background makes a
harmony out of detailed lines being crossed if closely viewed.
I think the artist wants to show realism of the man in the
portrait using alot of details on production on this portrait.
Big use of production and time used for this portrait painting
which it make look realistic and specific.
5. Kikuchi Yōsai, self-portrait
By Kikuchi Yosai.
Expressionism is shown in the artist's self portrait as the main focus.
He used monochrome ink that makes the portrait looks vague and surreal
The texture makes the background looks blurry, The man clothing is the
focus in the painting for its dark constrast. The artist is trying to express
his artwork by a variety of design of scale and contrast to make it look practical.
Expressionism through his own self artwork makes the portrait painting
looks more practical and artistic.
6.Young Girl Standing
By Ryusei Kishida (1923)
Surrealism is shown as the main focus in this portrait
painting. Use of contrast on the girl that makes it
look more vintage look as the light use
reflects on the girl creates the dark contrast for the
balance in the details of this portrait painting. The
distort of shape of the girl's body has expanded.
I think the artist wants to use the girl as the emphasis
of this whole portrait painting to express realism.
using dark and light contrasts to make the girl look
surreal and real in the painting which the artist wants
to show.
7. Kohno Michisei self portrait
By Kohno Michisei
Romantism and Yoga is shown as the main focus of this
painting. The heavy contrast and texture shown in the painting
and the background making t look vague but the face
of the man in the painting is the main emphasis of this
artwork to look realistic. I think the artist want to
express himself through his own self portrait. The portrait
shows realism through contrast and texture of the man and
the background.
By Narashige Koide
Surrealism is shown as the main point this oil
painting of a family portrait. Dark contrast
in the background and shadows having a texture
impact on the painting, using different shape
of each form a person's face. I think the artist
wants to show surrealism of the whole family
look with different variety in the background.
The highlight contrast of the dark areas make the
whole painting feel sadistic and surreal.
9.Yuzō Saeki self-portrait
Fauvism is shown as the art movement in this
portrait painting. The style of dabbing method makes
the man's face looks vivid, the light contrast highlights
tthe whole look natural and realistic. The artist is trying
to express himself in his self portrait using non naturalistic
colour to create an impression on the face as an emphasis.
Use of dabbing and vivid colours to make the self portrait look
surreal and bizarre,
10 Woman Wiping Sweat.
By Utamaro
Expressionism is shown in this simple
portrait painting as the main focus, Using
simple shape and forms causing the painting
to look sketchy and simple with the light
colours and space. the use dusting of mica
in the backgrounds to produce a glittering
effect on the painting. The artist is trying to
express the portrait painting as his influence
from the japanese women. Using mica to make
effects on the artwork for good quality and focus
in the background.
11.金蓉 (Chin-Jung)
By Sotaro Yasui
Impressionism is shown in the painting as
the main focus . He use colours to soften
the painting and clear outlines to create
realism of the woman on the chair as the
emphasis in the portrait. The artist is trying
to show realism as the impression of the
woman in the painting using vibrant colors.
Using colors, contrast and outlines to
create an impression of the portrait
painting .
12 Portrait
By Daisuke Ujuan
Expressionism is shown as the main point
in this painting. The face is the emphasis
of the whole idea to express his feelings
, the artist also used space as the background to
point out the face. He also used contrast for
the neck and fauvism is also pointed out in
the painting.I think the artist wanted to show
fauvism to express himself in the portrait
13 Art

By Daisuke Ujuan
Another similar painting above, from
the same artist, expressionism is also
shown in this painting. The dark space
in the foreground is to match with
the light contrast of the white face
as the main focus of this painting.
strokes and texture are shown on the
face. I think the artist is trying to
express using contrast and texture
in this painting.
14. 3000 days
By Ikenaga Yasunari
Romantism is shown as the main
point of this painting. Slight texture
on the vintage colours of this
painting. similar pattern and rhythm
movement of the girls clothes match
with the carpet. I think the artist is trying
to show the realism of the woman to express
his own story in this painting.
15. Expectation
By Ikenaga Yasunari
Expressionism is shown as the main
focus in this painting. The detailed
pattern design of the flowers
in the woman's clothes stand out as
the focus of this painting,use space
as the background color to
point out the clothing, I think the
artist is trying to express the woman's
clothing as the highlight in this painting
and blurryness of the woman's face.
16. Ray in Evening
By Ikenaga Yasunari
Expressionism is shown in this
painting as the focus. detailed
pattern of the flowers with
realistic rhythm of the blanket
that is being crumpled up shows
realism and its the whole
highlight of the painting as it covers
most of the painting. The warm colours
used show to express evening time.
I think the artist is trying to express
evening time with the warm texture and
colours of the blanket in this portrait painting.
17. I watch you without blinkin
By Ikenaga Yasunari
Expressionism is shown in this
painting as the main focus. Lines
of pattern of the blanket and the
flowers of the woman's clothing
creates harmony in the painting.
Dry texture is slightly shown in this
painting using similar colours to make
the painting feel warm. I think the artist
is trying to express the highlight of stripes
and pattern in this painting.
18.Tadaomi Shibuya
By Tadaomi Shibuya
De Stijl is shown in the painting as the
main point. Cubism, shapes, forms and lines
are shown on the faces in the painting. The
faces go in order by small to big scale.The bigest
face size shows the focus in the painting. I think
the artist is trying to make all the faces work
together to be seen as unity in the painting.
19 parrot
By Tadaomi Shibuya
De Stijl and cubism are shown as
the main focus of this painting. Light colours
and contrast are used as to highlight some
parts of the parrot in this painting. Lines,
shapes and forms are shown for the outline
of the parrot to be interesting and in rhythm.
I think the artist is trying to show variety of
shapes, forms, lines and colours of the parrot
to look more creative.
20 obama
Tadaomi Shibuya
Surrealism is shown in the painting as the
main focus. Lines, shapes and forms are shown
of the out lines of obama in the portrait, with
dark and light colours and contrst to make Obama
in this portrait look more realistic and surreal.
I think the artist is trying to show surrealism of obama
in this portrait painting with his different style of painting.