Thursday, 13 August 2015

More Portraits


today's art lesson drawing 
self portraits of our friends 
in class using black charcoals
in a short time about 8 mins.

it was hard for others 
to draw as i observed others
how they draw in such a 
short time, but for me,
it was quite rush but managed
to draw the whole body of 
the person and in detail.

i guess short time means
more effort and quick 
skills to visualise and
draw the person and its
not easy to do that , 
and its a good experience
for us to quick drawing so 
we could be prepare our 
future prepwork.

added dark and light contrast 
on the shades of the clothings,
and lines on the folded clothing

i focus more on the overall body 
rather spend more time detailing
the face so to save time for later.

overall, its a good lesson lol

then for the second lesson,
we tried to play with 
white and black colours, 
to feel and make different
shades of light and dark shades
of paint, that could be useful
for my artwork and self knowledge


i tried paint a face using 
white and black colours,
to create different constrasts
and highlights on the face
contouring, not really good
with painting on portraits and
its on drawing paper so its hard
 but i will improve on it slowly, 
that painting looks like fauvism lol .

overall, a good expereince using paint
to draw realistic images of a person
face and try out different light and dark 
colours and shades out of white and 
black paint.

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